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When & How to Write a Resolution

How to Write Resolution

In order to write resolution:

  1. Write a story.
  2. Create an ending for the story.
  3. Make sure to answer any remaining questions and clearly conclude the plot.

For example, consider this story:


Madison was very sick and Kaitlin wanted to visit her in the hospital. Kaitlin decided to make her cookies to make her feel better during this difficult time. After buying all the ingredients and baking the cookies, Kaitlin headed for the hospital. Madison was extremely happy to see her friend, and even happier when she saw she had brought cookies with her!

Although the story could end here, it would be stronger if it had a clear resolution.


Together, Madison and Kaitlin ate some cookies and enjoyed catching up. Kaitlin learned Madison would be able to leave the hospital soon. Madison thanked Kaitlin and told her next time they saw each other, it would be at school.

With the resolution added, we know what will happen to Madison and Kaitlin and we feel that the story has truly ended.


When to Use Resolution

The resolution is always found at the very end of a story. Numerous forms of storytelling utilize the resolution: poems, memoirs, stories, novels, movies, TV shows, songs, and even advertisements all make use of the resolution. More formal compositions such as essays and research papers do not have resolutions but instead use conclusions which tie up the composition in a similar way.