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When & How to Write a Palindrome

How to Use Palindromes

In order to use palindromes,

  1. Find a word or phrase which reads the same forward and backwards.
  2. Use that phrase for an interesting word play game.

For example, consider kayaks.




Did you know a kayak is built the same exact way, forward and backward?

Using the palindrome “kayak,” you can joke that actual kayaks are built in a unique fashion.

For a second example, consider the word noon.




Are we meeting at forward noon or backward noon?

In this example, the palindrome creates a trick question: there is only one noon per day, and it is the same forward or backward!


When to Use Palindromes

Palindromes are primarily used for wordplay fun. They can be used in palindromic poems, songs, or phrases within plays, stories, or other creative compositions. You can create palindromic songs with musical notes that repeat themselves or palindromic names for unique characters in stories.