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When & How to Write a Chronicle

How to Write a Chronicle

For a historical account to be considered a chronicle in either fiction or nonfiction, several things are necessary:

Likewise, a chronicle begins with the earliest information available, and ends with the most recent. For example, daily newspapers present the most current and up-to-date information possible, reporting information as it happens. The best way to start writing a chronicle is to begin with a basic timeline of the events that will be recounted. If the chronicle is fiction, you should develop a storyline based on how the events will unfold chronologically.


When to Use a Chronicle

Chronicles are used when it is important to recount events in the order in which they occurred. They can be used in both fiction and nonfiction, but are especially popular in fantasy and historical texts/newspapers, respectively. Chronicles should be used in a localized way—for instance, it would be very difficult to keep an ongoing chronicle of the whole world’s history; but newspapers can successfully chronicle the histories and ongoing events of the towns, cities, regions or countries they cover. Chronicles are best used when it is important to accurately and chronologically capture the details of an event.