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When & How to Write an Amplification

How to Use Amplification

In order to use amplification,

  1. Identify the important details of a statement or parts of a story.
  2. Elaborate on those details or parts by amplifying them, or extending that section.

For example, consider this short story:

My cat was acting strange. She kept pacing around the refrigerator. Finally, I went to see what was going on. Just as I made my way over there, a mouse appeared and scampered across the floor. The cat went crazy and began chasing it! Eventually, she caught it and proudly plopped it down in front of me.

The most important and climactic part of this story is when the cat chases and catches the mouse. Amplify this scene:

My cat was acting strange. She kept pacing around the refrigerator. Finally, I went to see what was going on. Just as I made my way over there, a mouse appeared and scampered across the floor. The cat burst into action, flicking her tail, hissing, and sprinting after the mouse. She spun around the kitchen table, winding between chairs. With a flourish, she caught the mouse, holding it high in the air by its tail. She strolled towards me, sat down, and proudly plopped her prize mouse in front of me.

Amplification focuses on the most important part of the story and creates a vivid and dramatic image of what is happening in order to draw in, excite, and entertain the reader.


2. For a second example, consider this persuasive statement:

We should go to the pool rather than the movies today because the weather’s nice.

This statement’s most important detail is the persuasive argument: the weather is nice, so the day is best spent outside. In order to emphasize this, use amplification:

We should go to the pool rather than the movies today because the weather’s just gorgeous. The sun is shining, there’s a light breeze, and who knows if it will be this nice tomorrow or the next day.

Elaborating on the point of persuasion amplifies the argument’s strengths.


When to use Amplification

Amplification may be used in many different situations. It is considered appropriate in order to further elaborate on points in formal papers, scientific research, and speeches alike. Amplification can also be used in creative composition such as poetry, plays, prose, and dialogue in order to draw attention to the most important elements of plot and to vividly describe a character, scene, or event. As has been shown previously, amplification is also used frequently in everyday conversation for the same reasons. Amplification is only unnecessary when details are unnecessary. If the goal is to be concise and simple, avoid amplification.